Sunday, 20 January 2008

Jed get's a Blackberry...

Sadly at the moment all the techbods at Nowcomm have to carry the Support phone on a rota basis. I don't mind being on call, but when you have to carry round a Nokia E60, the embarrassment factor is through the roof! I mean, just look at it...
So as a demontration for a customer what Blackberry is like (And furthermore, how well it works with Cisco Unified Messaging - the new curve is able to play voicemail WAV attachments!) we ended up with a couple of Blackberries to play with for an undetermined amount of time. The two devices are the BlackBerry 8120...
...and the BlackBerry 8310:
Personally I felt the 8120 felt quite tacky to feel, put perhaps i'm used to using re-assuring heavy devices? Both BlackBerry's were very very light!

Once i'd figured out the interface on the 8310 (Now the support phone) I was very impressed with the features, format and battery life of the device. Though the viewing of attachments such as Excel files didnt work as well as i'd hoped. If only we had Push Email working on Windows Smartphones...

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