Thursday, 20 December 2007

Arc migration problem - Bugger!

It turns out that the Arc problem was because I only copied over the ConfigDB.mdf file but not the ConfigDBlog.ldf file (Because I didn't want any logs from the old build - they were unnecessary).

Copied that over - bish bash bosh it works...

Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Grr - Arc Connect migration problem

I had some fun and games with Arc today which wasn't pleasant. The problem was the following:

Existing server needs to be replaced with a new platform, migrating over the same version (4.1.3) to a different server. The method I followed is below:
  • Stop all services on old server and stop SQL Server
  • Copy ConfigDB to a repository somewhere
  • On new server, create a new ConfigDB in Arc
  • Stop all services on old server and stop SQL Server
  • Overwrite the ConfigDB file on the new server with the file from the repository
  • Start everything up

Now usually all would be well, and have used this method many times. The difference in the past is that I would take say, a 4.1.0 database and then use the DBUpgrade.exe to upgrade the database to 4.1.3 which i'm guessing makes changes to the servername of the database.

My guess here is that because the old server was called something else and I didn't make any modifications to the database, it refused to work (Database would report as not found in Arc, and "Suspect" in Enterprise Manager). I attempted to change the servername but completely forgot that the server name alteration wipes out all the licenses. Bugger.

Need to work on this tomorrow, and will post the solution!

Monday, 17 December 2007

The future of Windows Mobile

An interesting article over at got me thinking. Unfortunately I think the problem is that new versions of Windows Mobile don't come with enough new features, and don't offer me enough new, useful features as an IT professional. Who cares about the general consumer? As long as companies such as HTC refuse to concentrate on features such as cameras (with flash?!) then there's no point MS bothering on about consumer grade devices.

Comparing my SPV M600 to my new HTC Touch it's clear that the majority of improvements are with the HTC interface. In fact been as I used to have Remote Desktop support and now don't, it's easy to see why people get a bit miffed with MS. And MSN Messenger on my phone - why must it add all my MSN contacts into my Outlook contacts list? That's just crap.

Ok there are plenty of reasons under the hood no doubt that contribute as improvements over previous versions of Windows Mobile but I can think of loads of easily implementable features that could be added to the system that would make it better. I want to see a colleagues' calendar for instance. And i'd also like to tightly control my phone status (silent, aeroplane mode etc) based on more customised calendar settings rather than just the generic appointment options.

Microsoft are doing a great job - but could do better...

Sunday, 9 December 2007

Jed tries Vodka infusion thing...

After visiting my good friend Mark who was making all sorts of alcoholic homebrews I couldn't help but get excited about seeing what I could come up with!

I went to my local Wilkinsons (The bigger store the better) and Sainsburys, and picked up:
  • 2x demijohns and CO2 release valve corks
  • 1x bag of cherries (405g it turned out to be after de-stalking)
  • 1x bag of 500g frozen "Summer fruits" consisting of blackberries, rasberries, strawberries and redcurrents
  • 2 Litres of cheapo Vodka
  • 1KG castor sugar

So I have no idea if this procedure was the right way of doing things, or in fact I have no idea how long to leave the mixture but heyho, it'll still be a merry Christmas!

I tried to dry up the fruit as much as possible but I found the frozen stuff was rather juicy! I didn't bother cutting up or pitting the cherries (Maybe I should have done?), chucked it all into the jug with 500g of sugar, and then lobbed in the Vodka.

Will post to say how tasty it is!

Thursday, 6 December 2007

Just a quick catchup...

As usual i've been busy with a flurry of jobs so i've not been able to do half the things I wanted to do in the time that I have - including the blogg0r. Several things come to mind though:

  • The IronKey: looks like the absolute dogs' plums in terms of security - I wonder how long it is before someone gives cracking it a go? :)
  • I had a new Golf Match turn up - woohoo! Overall a very very nice car, though I still can't figure out how to adjust the mirrors...
  • I joined the IET! I'm considering doing a CEng and if I get round to it i'll post up my experiences of this.
  • I went to see a customer yesterday who had a water mains pipe installed above the main PDU of the server room. Some people...
  • I think i'm addicted to innocent smoothies.

Mike Out.